Michelle Ward picked up her first camera when she was 17. She attended Ryerson University for 4 years in the photography program and recently her work was showcased in two solo exhibitions at The Meaford Hall Arts & Cultural Centre (March – May 2015) and The Gerrard Art Space Toronto (June 2015). Her fine art photography book titled ‘So Still The Shadow Grows’ was self published in 2014 and sold worldwide. Her work has been published in The Globe and Mail, Adore Chroma, Mountain Life Magazine and she was recently interviewed on CBC Radio One – The Candy Palmater Show. She was awarded an Ontario Arts Council Exhibition grant in 2015 to support her solo exhibition The Ghost Of You.
She is dedicated to ethically exploring & memorializing these properties before they disappear forever.
She lives in Meaford, Ontario, Canada with her husband and two sons.
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